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Artist Power vs Arctic Power

Artist Power vs Arctic Power

Artist Power vs Arctic Power. Über die transformative Kraft von Waschmitteln. Montréal | CA · 1988–2015 (© PP · # 2482 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Die Namen der Waschmittel in Montréal faszinierten mich sofort, als ich das 1988 das erste Mal einen kanadischen „Drugstore“ betrat: „Tide“ (Gezeiten), „Sunlight“, „Brillex“, „Gain“ waren sie getauft, aber am Allerbesten gefiel mir: „Arctic Power“. Die Arktische Macht. Fand ich einfach großartig, ein Waschpulver mit der (schmelzenden) Arktis zu verbinden, mit Kraft. Aber wirklich, wirklich super fand ich ein Plakat für eine Multi-Media-Installation, das die Waschmittel-Bezeichnung aufgegriffen und transformiert hatte zu „Artist Power“. (li.). Ich selbst habe mich dann selbstverständlich mit der Original-Packung fotografieren (re. ob.) und verschiedene Waschmittel-Verpackungen in meinem Film „Mont-Real“ auftreten lassen. Bei einem Lokalaugenschein in Montréal im Jahr 2015, als ich meinem Sohn meine frühere „Wirkungsstätte“ und die Stadt, in der ich mich ein Jahr lang sehr wohl gefühlt hatte, zeigen wollte, war einer unserer ersten Pilgerwege der in einen Drugstore, um den aktuellen Stand der „Arctic Power“ dokumentieren zu können (re. unten)

Mont Real (Full HD), Video, 20 min.

Peter Putz in collaboration with Barbara Putz-Plecko, AT/CA, 1988/89. animation & live action. English, french + german. Music: Romeo Alavi Kia, Ingo Petry.  New film to digital transfer. This film was produced during the nine months that Peter Putz spent as artist in residence at Concordia University in Montreal. Mont Real is a satirical view of our Western civilization, something between a live action film and an animation film, a successon of associations combining aspects of traditional and everyday life in North America and stereotyped European, particularly Austrian, attitudes and behavior patterns. The film deals with our overpowering fantasies, our tendency to repress certain elements of our mental lives, and with our enslavement as dependent consumers in a materialistic society. This is shown in a development of sound and image that is for the most part ironical and contrapuntal.

Artist Power vs Arctic Power. About the transformative power of detergents. Montreal | CA 1988–2015 (© PP # 2482 www.ewigesarchiv.at) The names of laundry detergents in Montréal fascinated me as soon as I entered a Canadian drugstore in 1988: “Tide”, “ They were baptized Sunlight”, “Brillex”, “Gain”, but I liked the best: “Arctic Power”. The Arctic Power. I just thought it was great to associate a washing powder with the (melting) arctic, with power. But I really, really liked a poster for a multi-media installation that took the name of the detergent and transformed it into “Artist Power”. (left). Of course, I then took a picture of myself with the original pack (top right) and had various detergent packs appear in my film “Mont-Real”. During an on-site inspection in Montréal in 2015, when I wanted to show my son my former “place of work” and the city in which I had felt very comfortable for a year, one of our first pilgrimages was to a drugstore to see the current one To be able to document the status of the “Arctic Power” (bottom right)

Mont Real (Full HD), video, 20 min.

Peter Putz in collaboration with Barbara Putz-Plecko, AT/CA, 1988/89. animation & live action. English, french + german. Music: Romeo Alavi Kia, Ingo Petry. New film to digital transfer. This film was produced during the nine months that Peter Putz spent as artist in residence at Concordia University in Montreal. Mont Real is a satirical view of our Western civilization, something between a live action film and an animation film, a successon of associations combining aspects of traditional and everyday life in North America and stereotyped European, particularly Austrian, attitudes and behavior patterns. The film deals with our overpowering fantasies, our tendency to repress certain elements of our mental lives, and with our enslavement as dependent consumers in a materialistic society. This is shown in a development of sound and image that is for the most part ironical and contrapuntal.

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Artist Power vs Arctic Power

Artist Power vs Arctic Power

Artist Power vs Arctic Power. Über die transformative Kraft von Waschmitteln. Montréal | CA · 1988–2015 (© PP · # 2482 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Die Namen der Waschmittel in Montréal faszinierten mich sofort, als ich das 1988 das erste Mal einen kanadischen „Drugstore“ betrat: „Tide“... mehr lesen

Artist Power vs Arctic Power. About the transformative power of detergents. Montreal | CA 1988–2015 (© PP # 2482 www.ewigesarchiv.at) The names of laundry detergents in Montréal fascinated me as soon as I entered a Canadian drugstore in 1988: “Tide”, “ They were baptized Sunlight”,... read more