Neville Brody, Designer, Officer of the Order oft the British Empire (OBE). Well deserved! Heartfelt congratulations! Berlin | DE; London | UK; Wien | AT · 1992–2025 (© PP · # 3391 · Via Instagram (#brody_associates) habe ich erfahren, dass der britische Designer Neville Brody mit einer hohen Ehrung ausgezeichnet wurde: „Wir freuen uns, unserem Gründer und Kreativdirektor, Neville Brody, zur Bekanntgabe seiner Auszeichnung mit dem OBE in der heute veröffentlichten Liste der Neujahrsehrungen 2025 zu gratulieren. Brody wird für seine Verdienste um das Design gewürdigt. Brody wurde durch seine revolutionäre Arbeit für das Magazin The Face bekannt. Seitdem hat er mit seinem Studio für globale Institutionen wie Channel 4, Dior, Samsung und Apple gearbeitet und ist außerdem Professor am Royal College of Art in London.“ (Original englisch, KI-übersetzt).
Neville Brody war vom früheren ORF-Generalintendanten Gerd Bacher 1991 mit dem Redesign des ORF beauftragt worden (gr. Foto rechts) Ich lernte Brody damals kennen, weil ich damals in Digitalen Grafik des ORF arbeitete.
Leitung: Markus Hanzer; Redesign Team: Michael Huber, Peter Putz, Helmut Stadlmann; Mitarbeit Video: Michael Hajek, Matthias Kunert, Heinrich Landauer, Barbara Lazar; Rupert Putz, Helmut Stiedl, Michael Süßmayer, Norbert Wuchte
Für mich war die Zusammenarbeit mit Neville Brody sehr inspirierend. Ich gratuliere ihm sehr herzlich zu dieser hohen Auszeichnung.
Zu den Fotos:
Links oben: Neville Brody im Digitalstudio des ORF, 1992. Im Hintergrund die damaligen apple Macs mit CD-Laufwerk, Floppy Disc- und Optical-Disc Einschub
Links unten: Neville Brody bei der TYPO Berlin, 1993
rechte Seite, oben: The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 1; The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 2;
rechts oben: IG-Posting von #brody_associates, 2025, Portrait Neville Brody, © 2023 Benjamin McMahon, screenshot
Gr. Foto re.: ORF-Corporate Design Manual, Wien, Oktober 1992 und Das andere Auge, ORF Grafik Design, Wien 1994. Ich war bei beiden Publikationen für die Drucküberwachung verantwortlich und bei „Das andere Auge, ORF Grafik Design“ auch für die grafische Gestaltung.
Untere Reihe: PP mit Neville Brody in einer Pause von TYPO Berlin 1994
rechts unten: Neville Brody bei seinem Vortrag bei der FUSE-conference, London, 1994
Neville Brody kommentierte die Verleihung des OBE wie folgt:
“I’m amazed and proud to be receiving this honour. I have always attempted to use the platforms of graphic design and
education to try and provoke thought, catalyse change, seek new possibilities, and encourage young designers to discover their own voice. It is humbling as a recognition, and I feel that as the world evolves and delivers new and unprecedented challenges, there is still so much opportunity and need to explore and unearth new solutions.”
Neville Brody, Designer, Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Well deserved! Heartfelt congratulations! Berlin | DE; London | UK; Vienna | AT – 1992-2025 (© PP – # 3391 – I learned via Instagram (#brody_associates) that British designer Neville Brody has been awarded a high honour: ‘We are delighted to congratulate our founder and creative director, Neville Brody, on the announcement of his award of the OBE in the 2025 New Year Honours list published today. Brody is being recognised for his services to design. Brody became known for his revolutionary work for The Face magazine. Since then, he has worked with his studio for global institutions such as Channel 4, Dior, Samsung and Apple and is also a professor at the Royal College of Art in London.’ (Original English, AI-translated).
Neville Brody was commissioned by the former ORF Director General Gerd Bacher to redesign the ORF in 1991 (large photo on the right). I got to know Brody at the time because I was working in ORF’s digital graphics department.
Head: Markus Hanzer; redesign team: Michael Huber, Peter Putz, Helmut Stadlmann; video collaboration: Michael Hajek, Matthias Kunert, Heinrich Landauer, Barbara Lazar; Rupert Putz, Helmut Stiedl, Michael Süßmayer, Norbert Wuchte
Working with Neville Brody was very inspiring for me. I congratulate him warmly on this prestigious honour.
To the photos:
Top left: Neville Brody in the ORF digital studio, 1992, in the background the apple Macs of the time with CD drive, floppy disc and optical disc slot
Bottom left: Neville Brody at the TYPO Berlin, 1993
Right page, top: The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 1; The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 2;
top right: IG posting of #brody_associates, 2025, Portrait Neville Brody, © 2023 Benjamin McMahon, screenshot
Large photo right: ORF-Corporate Design Manual, Vienna, October 1992 and Das andere Auge, ORF Grafik Design, Vienna 1994. I was responsible for the print supervision for both publications and also for the graphic design for ‘Das andere Auge, ORF Grafik Design’.
Bottom row: PP with Neville Brody during a break at TYPO Berlin 1994
Bottom right: Neville Brody during his lecture at the FUSE conference, London, 1994
Neville Brody commented on receiving the OBE as follows:
‘I’m amazed and proud to be receiving this honour. I have always attempted to use the platforms of graphic design and
education to try and provoke thought, catalyse change, seek new possibilities, and encourage young designers to discover their own voice. It is humbling as a recognition, and I feel that as the world evolves and delivers new and unprecedented challenges, there is still so much opportunity and need to explore and unearth new solutions.’