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Click this control or use the arrow right key to show the next image/video.


„Mont Real“ Remix in Montreal

Mont Real Remix

Mont Real Remix

Sarah Albu voice · Duncan Campbell trumpet

Felix Del Tredici bass trombone · Alex Kasirer-Smibert bass

Francis Leduc-Bèlanger trumpet · Navid Navab live electronics  · Peter Plessas live electronics · Elysha Poirier live animation

Peter Putz · The Eternal Archives

video & Montreal tableaux

live performance

The Topological Media Lab · August 8th 2015  

Concordia University, EV-Building · Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Mont Real Remix

Sarah Albu voice · Duncan Campbell trumpet

Felix Del Tredici bass trombone · Alex Kasirer-Smibert bass

Francis Leduc-Bèlanger trumpet · Navid Navab live electronics  · Peter Plessas live electronics · Elysha Poirier live animation

Peter Putz · The Eternal Archives

video & Montreal tableaux

live performance

The Topological Media Lab · August 8th 2015  

Concordia University, EV-Building · Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Aktive Filter:

„Mont Real“ Remix in Montreal

Mont Real Remix

Mont Real Remix Sarah Albu voice · Duncan Campbell trumpet Felix Del Tredici bass trombone · Alex Kasirer-Smibert bass Francis Leduc-Bèlanger trumpet · Navid Navab live electronics  · Peter Plessas live electronics · Elysha Poirier live animation Peter Putz · The Eternal... mehr lesen

  Mont Real Remix Sarah Albu voice · Duncan Campbell trumpet Felix Del Tredici bass trombone · Alex Kasirer-Smibert bass Francis Leduc-Bèlanger trumpet · Navid Navab live electronics  · Peter Plessas live electronics · Elysha Poirier live animation Peter Putz · The Eternal... read more