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William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“

William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“

William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“ – Buchpräsentation und Vortrag an der Angewandten. Wien | AT · 2023 (© PP · # 3013 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) William Kentridge, der großartige Künstler, Zeichner, Filmemacher aus Johannesburg in Südafrika, sprach über seine Arbeit am Film „Oh to Believe in Another World“ zur 10. Symphonie von Dmitri Schostakowitsch, der heute, am 2. Dez. 2023, im Konzerthaus in Wien bei einem Konzert des Luzerner Sinfonieorchesters gezeigt wird. Über diese in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team seines Studios „The Centre for the Less Good Idea“ entstandene Produktion, die vor wenigen Tagen in Hong Kong gezeigt worden war, ist eine dreibändige Publikation erschienen, die gestern an der Angewandten präsentiert wurde.

William Kentridge (* 28. April 1955 in Johannesburg) ist ein südafrikanischer Künstler. Kentridge wuchs mit litauisch-jüdischen Wurzeln in Südafrika auf. Seine Eltern vertraten als Rechtsanwälte vor allem Schwarze in Gerichtsprozessen während der Apartheid. Seine Mutter Felicia Kentridge war Mitbegründerin des Legal Resources Centre, sein Vater Sydney Kentridge unter anderem Verteidiger im Treason Trial. William Kentridge studierte in Südafrika und Europa, stellte Kunst in Galerien aus und arbeitete in Theater-Projekten des Resistance Art Movement. In den 1980er Jahren begann Kentridge Animationsfilme zu produzieren, in denen er die Geschichte und die sozialen Umstände Südafrikas reflektiert. Er zeichnet jedes Einzelbild seiner Produktionen von Hand mit Kohle, Graphitstift oder Pastellfarben. 1993 und 2005 nahm er mit Animationsfilmen an der Biennale Venedig, 1997 und 2002 an der Documenta teil. Zur Documenta 13 wurde Kentridge erneut eingeladen und stellte die Installation The Refusal of Time vor. Im Jahr 2017 inszenierte er die Oper Wozzeck von Alban Berg bei den Salzburger Festspielen.William Kentridge wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 2013 wurde ihm ein Ehrendoktorat für Schöne Künste der Yale University in den USA verliehen.

„Im Auftrag des Luzerner Sinfonieorchesters produzierte der südafrikanische Künstler William Kentridge den Animationsfilm »Oh to Believe in Another World« zur Symphonie. Die 10. Symphonie spielt im Schaffen von Dmitri Schostakowitsch eine zentrale Rolle, entstand sie doch im Jahr 1953, unmittelbar nach dem Tod des Diktators Josef Stalin. Schostakowitschs Leiden an dessen Gewaltherrschaft hinterließ Spuren in seinem Werk. Acht Jahre waren seit dem Abschluss der 9. Symphonie vergangen und groß dimensioniert fiel sein nächstes Werk dieser Gattung aus. Musik und Film veranschaulichen auf eindrückliche Weise das Leben unter der zerstörerischen Gewalt einer Diktatur.“ (Wiener Konzerthaus)

"Oh, To Believe In Another World – A film by William Kentridge" Trailer by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, New Vision Arts Festival 2023:

Leading contemporary artist William Kentridge is internationally acclaimed for his drawings, films, theatre and opera productions. A film commissioned by the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester to accompany Shostakovich's monumental Symphony No. 10, Kentridge's Oh, To Believe In Another World illustrates the story of Shostakovich and his complicated relationship with the Soviet state from the 1920s to 1960s, through charming sets made of cardboard and historical figures brought to life as puppets. 

William Kentridge: “Oh to Believe in Another World” – Book presentation and lecture at the Angewandte. Vienna | AT – 2023 (© PP – # 3013 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) William Kentridge, the great artist, draughtsman and filmmaker from Johannesburg in South Africa, spoke about his work on the film “Oh to Believe in Another World” on Dmitri Shostakovich’s 10th Symphony, which will be shown today, 2 Dec. 2023, at the Konzerthaus in Vienna at a concert by the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra. This production, which was created in collaboration with the team from his studio “The Centre for the Less Good Idea” and was shown in Hong Kong a few days ago, is the subject of a three-volume publication, which was presented yesterday at the Angewandte.


William Kentridge (born 28 April 1955 in Johannesburg) is a South African artist. Kentridge grew up in South Africa with Lithuanian-Jewish roots. As lawyers, his parents mainly represented black people in court cases during apartheid. His mother Felicia Kentridge was a co-founder of the Legal Resources Centre, his father Sydney Kentridge was a defence lawyer in the Treason Trial, among other things. William Kentridge studied in South Africa and Europe, exhibited art in galleries and worked in theatre projects of the Resistance Art Movement. In the 1980s, Kentridge began to produce animated films in which he reflects on the history and social circumstances of South Africa. He draws every single frame of his productions by hand using charcoal, graphite pencil or pastel colours. In 1993 and 2005 he took part in the Venice Biennale with animated films, and in 1997 and 2002 in the Documenta. Kentridge was again invited to Documenta 13 and presented the installation The Refusal of Time. In 2017, he staged Alban Berg’s opera Wozzeck at the Salzburg Festival.William Kentridge has received numerous awards. In 2013, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in Fine Arts from Yale University in the USA.


“Commissioned by the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, the South African artist William Kentridge produced the animated film “Oh to Believe in Another World” to accompany the symphony. The 10th Symphony plays a central role in Dmitri Shostakovich’s oeuvre, as it was composed in 1953, immediately after the death of dictator Josef Stalin. Shostakovich’s suffering under his tyranny left its mark on his work. Eight years had passed since the completion of the 9th Symphony and his next work in this genre was large in scale. Music and film impressively illustrate life under the destructive violence of a dictatorship.” (Wiener Konzerthaus)


“Oh, To Believe In Another World – A film by William Kentridge” Trailer by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, New Vision Arts Festival 2023:


Leading contemporary artist William Kentridge is internationally acclaimed for his drawings, films, theatre and opera productions. A film commissioned by the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester to accompany Shostakovich’s monumental Symphony No. 10, Kentridge’s Oh, To Believe In Another World illustrates the story of Shostakovich and his complicated relationship with the Soviet state from the 1920s to 1960s, through charming sets made of cardboard and historical figures brought to life as puppets.

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William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“

William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“

William Kentridge: „Oh to Believe in Another World“ – Buchpräsentation und Vortrag an der Angewandten. Wien | AT · 2023 (© PP · # 3013 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) William Kentridge, der großartige Künstler, Zeichner, Filmemacher aus Johannesburg in Südafrika, sprach über seine Arbeit am... mehr lesen

William Kentridge: “Oh to Believe in Another World” – Book presentation and lecture at the Angewandte. Vienna | AT – 2023 (© PP – # 3013 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) William Kentridge, the great artist, draughtsman and filmmaker from Johannesburg in South Africa,... read more