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Klicken Sie dieses Bedienelement, das Bild/Video selbst oder verwenden Sie die “i”-Taste, um die zusätzliche Information zum Bild/Video anzuzeigen.

Click this control, the image/video itself or use the “i” key to show the additional information to the image/video.


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Click this control or use the arrow right key to show the next image/video.


Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske · Self-portraits with Corona mask

Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske · Self-portraits with Corona mask

Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske. Wann war das jetzt? Was war da? Langwies, Wien | AT · 2020–2021 (© PP · # 2898 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Unschlüssig, welches Tableau ich zum Koligschen Paradies machen wolle – zum Kotstrecker? zum Frequenzhammer? zum Klettergarten? oder zu einem anderen der rund 400 Objekte und Installationen? – stieß ich in der Bilddatenbank des Ewigen Archivs auf einen großteils unbeschlagworteten Ordner von rund 2.100 Fotos, war teils erstaunt über die Fundstücke, erfreut über die Rückkehr der verlorenen Bilder (wenn in einer Datenbank Fotos nicht gekennzeichnet sind, sind sie meist für immer im Orkus verloren) und auch verwundert über manche Schatten der Erinnerung, die hochwaberten, darunter auch einige Selbsportraits aus der „Corona-Zeit“. Schon vergessen?

Großes Foto li.: Selbstportrait, „So schaumma aus!“ 3. 4. 2020; re.: Selbstportrait mit FFP2 (Maske), 27. 4. 2021;

li. unt.: Stilleben mit Tomate auf zwei Corona-Tests, 2021; Selbstportrait m. Corona-Maske, „Trying hard“, 7. 4. 2020; Selbstportrait m. Corona-Maske, „Getting used to the mask“, 6. 4. 2020; ganz re.: „Ostersonntag: Stillleben mit rotem Ei (transportbeschädigt), Estragon-Senf-Tube und FFP2-Maske (so gut’s halt ging“. 4. April 2021, Langwies. Alle: PP

Self-portraits with Corona mask. When was that now? What was there? Langwies, Vienna | AT · 2020–2021 (© PP · # 2898 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Not sure which tableau I want to make for Kolig’s paradise – for the scat stretcher? to the frequency hammer? to the climbing garden? or to another of the approximately 400 objects and installations? – I came across a mostly untagged folder of around 2,100 photos in the image database of the Eternal Archive, was partly amazed at the finds, delighted at the return of the lost pictures (if photos are not marked in a database, they are usually in Orkus forever lost) and also amazed at some shadows of memory that floated up, including some self-portraits from the “Corona period”. Already forgotten?

Large photo left: self-portrait, “So schaumma aus!” April 3, 2020; right: self-portrait with FFP2 (mask), April 27, 2021;

left bottom: still life with tomato on two corona tests, 2021; Self-portrait with corona mask, “Trying hard”, April 7, 2020; Self-portrait with Corona mask, “Getting used to the mask”, April 6, 2020; far right: “Easter Sunday: still life with a red egg (damaged in transit), tarragon-mustard tube and FFP2 mask (as best as possible”. April 4, 2021, Langwies. All: PPSelf-portraits with Corona mask. When was that now? What was there? Langwies, Vienna | AT · 2020–2021 (© PP · # 2898 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Not sure which tableau I want to make for Kolig’s paradise – for the scat stretcher? to the frequency hammer? to the climbing garden? or to another of the approximately 400 objects and installations? – I came across a mostly untagged folder of around 2,100 photos in the image database of the Eternal Archive, was partly amazed at the finds, delighted at the return of the lost pictures (if photos are not marked in a database, they are usually in Orkus forever lost) and also amazed at some shadows of memory that floated up, including some self-portraits from the “Corona period”. Already forgotten?
Large photo left: self-portrait, “So schaumma aus!” April 3, 2020; right: self-portrait with FFP2 (mask), April 27, 2021;
left bottom: still life with tomato on two corona tests, 2021; Self-portrait with corona mask, “Trying hard”, April 7, 2020; Self-portrait with Corona mask, “Getting used to the mask”, April 6, 2020; far right: “Easter Sunday: still life with a red egg (damaged in transit), tarragon-mustard tube and FFP2 mask (as best as possible”. April 4, 2021, Langwies. All: PP%MCEPASTEBIN%

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Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske · Self-portraits with Corona mask

Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske · Self-portraits with Corona mask

Selbstportraits mit Corona-Maske. Wann war das jetzt? Was war da? Langwies, Wien | AT · 2020–2021 (© PP · # 2898 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Unschlüssig, welches Tableau ich zum Koligschen Paradies machen wolle – zum Kotstrecker? zum Frequenzhammer? zum Klettergarten? oder zu einem anderen der... mehr lesen

Self-portraits with Corona mask. When was that now? What was there? Langwies, Vienna | AT · 2020–2021 (© PP · # 2898 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Not sure which tableau I want to make for Kolig’s paradise – for the scat stretcher? to the frequency hammer? to the climbing garden? or to... read more