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Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession · at the Vienna Secession

Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession · at the Vienna Secession

Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession in einer Wandinstallation von Sol Lewitt. Wien | AT · 1988 (Ausstellungsansicht Sol Lewitt © Margherita Spiluttini; © PP · # 3354 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Das erste Mal fotografierte ich den Filmemacher Peter Kubelka (gr. Foto li.) nach einem Konzert mit dem von ihm gegründeten Ensemble Spatium Musicum. In der Secession war damals eine sämtliche Wände bedeckende Installation „Wall drawings. Continuous Forms with Color and Gouache Superimposed“ von Sol Lewitt zu sehen (s. Farbfoto von Margherita Spiluttini unten). Unter dem Publikum damals war auch Hermann Nitsch – im Foto rechts unten zwar unscharf, aber unverkennbar in Gestalt, mit Hut und Bart.

Peter Kubelka über Film und Digitalisierung, die Auswirkungen von Smartphones und vieles mehr

Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung „Monument Film – Film und Vortrag von Peter Kubelka“ im Österreichischen Filmmuseum am 13. November 2024 beantwortete Peter Kubelka Fragen aus dem Publikum und sprach unter anderem über Filme und Digitalisierung, die Auswirkungen von Smartphones und vieles mehr. Video © Peter Putz, 2024, ewigesarchiv.at

Peter Kubelka in der Zeitschrift Film Comment: "2012 is film history's darkest year. The hostile takeover by digital imagery is finally complete. Even though everybody knows how short-lived digital archiving is. But short-term profit is more important. The industry wants to kill off the old medium, by any means. I see my Monument Film as a call for patient defiance."

Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Peter Kubelka at the Vienna Secession in a wall installation by Sol Lewitt. Vienna | AT – 1988 (Exhibition view Sol Lewitt © Margherita Spiluttini; © PP – # 3354 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) The first time I photographed the filmmaker Peter Kubelka (large photo left) was after a concert with the ensemble Spatium Musicum, which he had founded. In the Secession at the time, an installation covering all the walls, “Wall drawings. Continuous Forms with Color and Gouache Superimposed” by Sol Lewitt (see color photo by Margherita Spiluttini below). Among the audience at the time was Hermann Nitsch – blurred in the photo below right, but unmistakable in figure, with hat and beard.

Peter Kubelka on film and digitalization, the impact of smartphones and much more
Following the event “Monument Film – Film and Lecture by Peter Kubelka” at the Austrian Film Museum on 13 November 2024, Peter Kubelka answered questions from the audience and spoke about films and digitalization, the effects of smartphones and much more. Video © Peter Putz, 2024, ewigesarchiv.at

Peter Kubelka in the magazine Film Comment: “2012 is film history’s darkest year. The hostile takeover by digital imagery is finally complete. Even though everybody knows how short-lived digital archiving is. But short-term profit is more important. The industry wants to kill off the old medium, by any means. I see my Monument Film as a call for patient defiance.”
Austrian Film Museum

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Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession · at the Vienna Secession

Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession · at the Vienna Secession

Peter Kubelka in der Wiener Secession in einer Wandinstallation von Sol Lewitt. Wien | AT · 1988 (Ausstellungsansicht Sol Lewitt © Margherita Spiluttini; © PP · # 3354 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Das erste Mal fotografierte ich den Filmemacher Peter Kubelka (gr. Foto li.) nach einem Konzert mit dem... mehr lesen

Peter Kubelka at the Vienna Secession in a wall installation by Sol Lewitt. Vienna | AT – 1988 (Exhibition view Sol Lewitt © Margherita Spiluttini; © PP – # 3354 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) The first time I photographed the filmmaker Peter Kubelka (large photo left) was after a... read more