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Paris Paname

Paris Paname

1990, Paris/F, 7 min., filmed in 16 mm color, digital effects and postproduction on video, released on video. Postproduction facilities: videostudio Grand Canal, Paris.

Concept, 16 mm camera, animation, production: Peter Putz, editing and postproduction: Barbara Putz-Plecko. Music: Fred Frith, Technology of Tears.

Paris Paname wurde während eines Aufenthaltes in der cite des arts in Paris zwischen April und August 1990 produziert. Ausgangspunkt für dieses  Video ist 16 mm Filmmaterial, das die politischen und sozialen Ereignisse dieser Monate reflektiert: 1.-Mai-Aufmarsch der rechtsextremen Front National unter Jean-Marie Le Pen, die Schändung von jüdischen Gräbern in Carpentras, Massendemonstrationen gegen Rassismus und Anti-Semitismus mit mehr als 200.000 Menschen, Polizeiauftritte der Spezialtruppe CRS.

Häufig wiederkehrende Sujets: Lebensretter am Strand, Fleischhauer mit einem Schaf auf dem Weg ins Schlachthaus. Landschaften aus Farbpigment sind die Klammern zwischen diesen Lebensfragmenten. Paris Paname ist ein sehr dichtes und spezielles Porträt von Paris, meilenweit entfernt von vertrauten Bildern von Montmartre und Eiffelturm. 

1990, Paris/F, 7 min., filmed in 16 mm color, digital effects and postproduction on video, released on video. Postproduction facilities: videostudio Grand Canal, Paris.

Concept, 16 mm camera, animation, production: Peter Putz, editing and postproduction: Barbara Putz-Plecko. Music: Fred Frith, Technology of Tears.

Paris Paname was produced during a stay as artist in residence at the cite des arts in Paris between April and August 1990. Basic material for this video is 16 mm footage, reflecting political and social events in these days: 1. of May marches of the rightwing Front National led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, vandalism of jewish cemeteries in Carpentras, massdemonstrations against racism and antisemitism of more than 200.000 people, policeperformance of the special forces CRS.

Frequently occuring sujets: lifesaver on the beach, butchers with the sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse. Landscapes made of colourpigments are brackets between these fragments of life.

Paris Paname is a very dense and very special portrait of Paris, miles away from the familiar images of Montmartre and Eiffeltower.


Paris Paname

Paris Paname

1990, Paris/F, 7 min., filmed in 16 mm color, digital effects and postproduction on video, released on video. Postproduction facilities: videostudio Grand Canal, Paris. Concept, 16 mm camera, animation, production: Peter Putz, editing and postproduction: Barbara Putz-Plecko. Music: Fred Frith,... mehr lesen

1990, Paris/F, 7 min., filmed in 16 mm color, digital effects and postproduction on video, released on video. Postproduction facilities: videostudio Grand Canal, Paris. Concept, 16 mm camera, animation, production: Peter Putz, editing and postproduction: Barbara Putz-Plecko. Music: Fred Frith,... read more