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Himmel und Hölle falten, erleben, nicht mehr erleben · Folding heaven and hell, experiencing, no longer experiencing

Himmel und Hölle falten, erleben, nicht mehr erleben · Folding heaven and hell, experiencing, no longer experiencing

Heaven and hell - folding / experiencing / no longer experiencing. Ebensee, Gänserndorf, Vienna | AT; Montréal | CA - 2012-2023 (© PP - # 3026 - www.ewigesarchiv.at) What bothers me is this parallelism in which I live, these many layers and parallel worlds that surround me visibly, invisibly, permanently. I go to bookshops to look for a particular graphic novel as a Christmas present - at the same time as (not only) children are being torn to shreds. How is that even possible? It's simply unbelievable, a "blatant" scandal. The mere fact that it happens. As a schoolboy, I often liked folding "heaven and hell" out of a square piece of paper and colouring the two "parallel worlds" differently, scribbling on them, etc. Decades later I had forgotten how to do this, I had to find a short instructional video to make this simple fold this morning. But the fact that I live in luxury and - a relatively short distance from Vienna - people are dying, suffering, bombs are being detonated, cities are being bombed: that is obscene, archaic, unacceptable. There are reasons and apparent justifications for this - which are completely irrelevant to those who are torn apart or seriously injured and traumatised. I myself can hardly see any pictures from the war zones, I am satisfied with the comments and contributions of those who understand, justify and accompany everything. The fact that Austria (or rather Austria's political representation) was one of 10 countries to vote AGAINST a ceasefire in Gaza at the UN General Assembly on 12 Dec. 2023 is a SCANDAL for me, a MISTAKE - no matter how it was justified. It was about: "Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations". Voting AGAINST a ceasefire were: Israel and USA as well as Austria, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay.
Abstentions: 23 countries. 153 countries voted in favour of a ceasefire.

Heaven and hell – folding / experiencing / no longer experiencing. Ebensee, Gänserndorf, Vienna | AT; Montréal | CA – 2012-2023 (© PP – # 3026 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) What bothers me is this parallelism in which I live, these many layers and parallel worlds that surround me visibly, invisibly, permanently. I go to bookshops to look for a particular graphic novel as a Christmas present – at the same time as (not only) children are being torn to shreds. How is that even possible? It’s simply unbelievable, a “blatant” scandal. The mere fact that it happens. As a schoolboy, I often liked folding “heaven and hell” out of a square piece of paper and colouring the two “parallel worlds” differently, scribbling on them, etc. Decades later I had forgotten how to do this, I had to find a short instructional video to make this simple fold this morning. But the fact that I live in luxury and – a relatively short distance from Vienna – people are dying, suffering, bombs are being detonated, cities are being bombed: that is obscene, archaic, unacceptable. There are reasons and apparent justifications for this – which are completely irrelevant to those who are torn apart or seriously injured and traumatised. I myself can hardly see any pictures from the war zones, I am satisfied with the comments and contributions of those who understand, justify and accompany everything. The fact that Austria (or rather Austria’s political representation) was one of 10 countries to vote AGAINST a ceasefire in Gaza at the UN General Assembly on 12 Dec. 2023 is a SCANDAL for me, a MISTAKE – no matter how it was justified. It was about: “Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations”. Voting AGAINST a ceasefire were: Israel and USA as well as Austria, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay.
Abstentions: 23 countries. 153 countries voted in favour of a ceasefire.

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Himmel und Hölle falten, erleben, nicht mehr erleben · Folding heaven and hell, experiencing, no longer experiencing

Himmel und Hölle falten, erleben, nicht mehr erleben · Folding heaven and hell, experiencing, no longer experiencing

Heaven and hell - folding / experiencing / no longer experiencing. Ebensee, Gänserndorf, Vienna | AT; Montréal | CA - 2012-2023 (© PP - # 3026 - www.ewigesarchiv.at) What bothers me is this parallelism in which I live, these many layers and parallel worlds that surround me visibly, invisibly,... mehr lesen

Heaven and hell – folding / experiencing / no longer experiencing. Ebensee, Gänserndorf, Vienna | AT; Montréal | CA – 2012-2023 (© PP – # 3026 – www.ewigesarchiv.at) What bothers me is this parallelism in which I live, these many layers and parallel worlds that surround... read more