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Garage Sale / Bazar Encan

Garage Sale / Bazar Encan

Garage Sale / Bazar Encan. Montreal / Montréal | CA · 1988–1989 (© PP · # 2871 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) „Garage Sale – Season’s Best. crib, furniture, carpets, blinds, electric can opener, designer clothes, first quality sweaters, loads of good bargains . . .  Sat. Oct 1“ („Garage Sale – Das Beste der Saison.“ Kinderbett, Möbel, Teppiche, Jalousien, elektrischer Dosenöffner, Designerkleidung, hochwertige Pullover, jede Menge gute Schnäppchen. . . Sa. 1. Okt.) Was mich von Anfang an in Montreal / Montréal begeistert hat, als ich im September 1988 meinen Aufenthalt als artist in residence am Animation-Film-Department der Concordia University begann, waren die „Garage Sales“ – die vielfach angekündigten und anzutreffenden privaten Verkäufe von Hausrat, Einrichtungsgegenständen, Spielsachen uvm in Vorgärten, kleinen Höfen, Garagen etc. Wenn Personen, Familien umzogen, wurden Ankündigungszettel aufgehängt und alles, was nicht mehr mitgenommen wurde, zu günstigsten Preisen angeboten. Soweit möglich, kaufte ich alles für die angemietete, leere Wohnung bei Garage Sales.

Leider wüten in der Provinz Quebec im Umkreis von Montreal / Montréal derzeit verheerende Waldbrände.

Garage Sale / Bazaar Encan. Montreal / Montreal | CA 1988–1989 (© PP # 2871 www.ewigesarchiv.at) “Garage Sale – Season’s Best. crib, furniture, carpets, blinds, electric can opener, designer clothes, first quality sweaters, loads of good bargains . . . Sat. Oct 1” (“Garage Sale – Best of the Season.” Crib, furniture, carpets, blinds, electric can opener, designer clothes, quality sweaters, loads of good bargains . . . Sat. Oct. 1) Which got me from the start in Montreal / Montréal when I began my stay as artist in residence at the animation film department of Concordia University in September 1988 were the “garage sales” – the frequently announced and encountered private sales of household goods, furnishings, toys and much more in front gardens, small courtyards, garages, etc. When people or families moved, notices were put up and everything that was no longer taken away was offered at the best price. Whenever possible, I bought everything for the rented, empty apartment from garage sales.
Unfortunately, devastating forest fires are currently raging in the province of Quebec around Montreal / Montréal.

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Garage Sale / Bazar Encan

Garage Sale / Bazar Encan

Garage Sale / Bazar Encan. Montreal / Montréal | CA · 1988–1989 (© PP · # 2871 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) „Garage Sale – Season’s Best. crib, furniture, carpets, blinds, electric can opener, designer clothes, first quality sweaters, loads of good bargains . . .  Sat. Oct 1“ („Garage... mehr lesen

Garage Sale / Bazaar Encan. Montreal / Montreal | CA 1988–1989 (© PP # 2871 www.ewigesarchiv.at) “Garage Sale – Season’s Best. crib, furniture, carpets, blinds, electric can opener, designer clothes, first quality sweaters, loads of good bargains . . . Sat. Oct 1” (“Garage Sale –... read more