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Chico MacMurtrie testing the Euro Border Crosser.

Chico MacMurtrie testing the Euro Border Crosser.

Testing the Euro Border Crosser. Wien | AT · 2019 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv). In einer Zeit, in der immer mehr und neue Mauern aufgestellt und Grenzen schärfstens überwacht werden – USA/Mexico, Israel/Gaza-Streifen, Ungarischer Grenzzaun uvm. –  hat der US-amerikanische Künstler Chico Mac Murtrie einen „Border Crosser“ konzipiert, der symbolisch Grenzen überwindet. Chico MacMurtrie war 2018 Gastprofessor auf der Die Angewandte und hat gemeinsam mit einem Team von Student*innen einen „Euro Border Crosser“ gebaut, der gestern erstmals im spektakulären Atrium des neuen Gebäude der Angewandten in der Vorderen Zollamtsstraße getestet wurde. Die „Procession and Activation“ des Euro Border Crossers findet morgen, Freitag, am 21. Juni im MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien zwischen 16 und 22 Uhr statt. Come and see!

“The Euro Border Crosser is the result of a cross-departmental project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna dealing with the development of robotic sculptures (Border Crossers) in a course the artist held.

Artistic team: 

Chico MacMurtrie with Sara Bissen, Ferdinand Doblhammer, Moritz Durauer, Maximilian Fink, Georg Holzmann, Gea Kalkhof, Maximilian Köb, Johannes Krumböck, Anetta Luberda, Jakob Steixner, Lola Verger

“Border Crossers“ is a large-scale performance and participatory procession involving a series of lightweight robotic sculptures that poetically explore the notion of borders. The “Border Crossers“ performance series stages a peaceful, symbolic, “crossing“ of borders around the world using the  combined power of art, technology and community.

When the Border Crossers reach their maximum height (approximately 10 meters), a coiled fabric tendril gradually unfurls into an arch-like shoot that „grows“ over the border and touches down on the other side. The project treats the border as a physical condition that can be temporarily transcended by technological proxies. It offers a critique of militarized geopolitical borders, and a metaphorical suspension of those borders.

The New York based artist Chico MacMurtrie was resident in the Angewandte Residency Program and visiting professor at the Department Art and Communication Practices (kkp) in 2018. The lecture series accompanies a cross-departmental project dealing with the development of robotic sculptures (Border Crossers).“ (Flyer der „Angewandten“ zur Präsentation im MQ)

Foto links oben: zeigt einen Test in Arizona in der Nähe der Grenze zu Mexico. Foto: © amorphicrobotworks.

Foto unten mittig: Chico Mac Murtrie (right) and members of the artistic team Die Angewandte

Testing the Euro Border Crosser. Wien | AT · 2019 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv). At a time when more and more walls are being set up and borders are being vigorously monitored – USA / Mexico, Israel / Gaza Strip, Hungarian border fence and many more. – The American artist Chico Mac Murtrie has conceived a “Border Crosser” that symbolically transcends borders. Chico MacMurtrie was visiting professor at Die Angewandte in 2018 and, together with a team of students, has built a “Euro Border Crosser”, which was tested yesterday for the first time in the spectacular atrium of the new building of the Angewandte in the Vorderer Zollamtsstraße. The “Procession and Activation” of the Euro Border Crosser takes place Friday, June 21, at the MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien between 16 and 22 o’clock.  

“The Euro Border Crosser is the result of a cross-departmental project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna dealing with the development of robotic sculptures (Border Crossers) in a course the artist held.

Artistic team: 

Chico MacMurtrie with Sara Bissen, Ferdinand Doblhammer, Moritz Durauer, Maximilian Fink, Georg Holzmann, Gea Kalkhof, Maximilian Köb, Johannes Krumböck, Anetta Luberda, Jakob Steixner, Lola Verger

“Border Crossers“ is a large-scale performance and participatory procession involving a series of lightweight robotic sculptures that poetically explore the notion of borders. The “Border Crossers“ performance series stages a peaceful, symbolic, “crossing“ of borders around the world using the  combined power of art, technology and community.

When the Border Crossers reach their maximum height (approximately 10 meters), a coiled fabric tendril gradually unfurls into an arch-like shoot that „grows“ over the border and touches down on the other side. The project treats the border as a physical condition that can be temporarily transcended by technological proxies. It offers a critique of militarized geopolitical borders, and a metaphorical suspension of those borders.

The New York based artist Chico MacMurtrie was resident in the Angewandte Residency Program and visiting professor at the Department Art and Communication Practices (kkp) in 2018. The lecture series accompanies a cross-departmental project dealing with the development of robotic sculptures (Border Crossers).“ (Flyer der „Angewandten“ zur Präsentation im MQ)

Foto links oben: zeigt einen Test in Arizona in der Nähe der Grenze zu Mexico. Foto: © amorphicrobotworks.

Foto unten mittig: Chico Mac Murtrie (right) and members of the artistic team Die Angewandte

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Chico MacMurtrie testing the Euro Border Crosser.

Chico MacMurtrie testing the Euro Border Crosser.

Testing the Euro Border Crosser. Wien | AT · 2019 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv). In einer Zeit, in der immer mehr und neue Mauern aufgestellt und Grenzen schärfstens überwacht werden – USA/Mexico, Israel/Gaza-Streifen, Ungarischer Grenzzaun uvm. –  hat der US-amerikanische Künstler Chico Mac... mehr lesen

Testing the Euro Border Crosser. Wien | AT · 2019 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv). At a time when more and more walls are being set up and borders are being vigorously monitored – USA / Mexico, Israel / Gaza Strip, Hungarian border fence and many more. – The American artist Chico Mac Murtrie... read more