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2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border

2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border

From „Dying Dog“ to „Border Crossers“: Chico MacMurtrie and his Amorphic Robot Works made it happen: 2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona! Los Angeles; Naco | US; Wien | AT · 1986–2021 (Border Crosser screenshots: © Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works; Luise Kaunert; Portraits & Tableau © PP · www.eternal-archives.org) Chico MacMurtrie haben Barbara und ich 1986 in Los Angeles kennengelernt, als wir einige Tage bei ihm übernachteten. Er studierte damals noch an der CalArts und arbeitete an mechanisch-pneumatischen „robotic-sculptures“ wie dem „dying dog“ und an Videos. Viele Jahre später, etwa um 2000 herum, trafen wir uns wieder in Wien, wo er an einer Performance-Woche im MQ teilnahm und seine enorm weiterentwickelten „Roboter“ vorführte, später dann immer wieder, weil er in Zusammenhang mit dem ars electronica Festival große Projekte entwickelte – ua. für die Landesgartenschau Kremsmünster 2016. Chico war auf Initiative von Barbara Putz-Plecko Gastprofessor an der Angewandten und arbeitete gemeinsam mit Student*innen am Euro Cross Border.

Am 23. Mai 2021 war nach jahrelanger Vorbereitung der Tag gekommen, als von beiden Seiten der Grenze in Naco Arizona sich die pneumatischen Skulpturen aufrichteten und jeweils sich von ihrer Seite über den hohen, rostigen Metallzaun beugten! Congratulations to Chico, ARW, Luise Kaunert und dem Team!

Luise Kaunert: „Today was the day! 2 Border Crossers by Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona, Naco Arizona. A big shout out to the team who ran the performance, the camera people and all other community members who came together to make this happen. El Paso/Juarez is next! This was the first of a series of performance that will take place along the frontera in collaboration with the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts. Stay tuned for upcoming performances in El Paso/Juarez in October and a solo show of drawings at the Rubin Center in El Paso.“

Kommentar von Fernando PeraltaTwo nations divided by an ugly wall brought together by a robotic performance that displayed our inherent nature to be humanly curios about our one planet. Spectators on both sides of the wall were, for one moment, connected by love and the promise both countries have for so many of our common attributes and inheritances. Two nations divided can now see the promise and hope of humanity through a new perspective. Brilliant work by all!“

From “Dying Dog” to “Border Crossers”: Chico MacMurtrie and his Amorphic Robot Works made it happen: 2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona! Los Angeles; Naco | US; Vienna | AT · 1986–2021 (Border Crosser screenshots: © Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works; Luise Kaunert; Portraits & Tableau © PP · www.eternal-archives.org) Chico MacMurtrie met Barbara and I in 1986 in Los Angeles when we were some Days spent with him. At that time he was still studying at CalArts and worked on mechanical-pneumatic “robotic sculptures” such as the “dying dog” and on videos. Many years later, around 2000, we met again in Vienna, where he took part in a performance week at the MQ and demonstrated his enormously advanced “robots”, later again and again because he was big in connection with the ars electronica festival Projects developed – among other things. for the Landesgartenschau Kremsmünster 2016. On the initiative of Barbara Putz-Plecko, Chico was visiting professor at the University of Applied Sciences and worked together with students on the Euro Cross Border.
On May 23, 2021, after years of preparation, the day had come when the pneumatic sculptures stood up from both sides of the border in Naco Arizona and each bent over the high, rusty metal fence from one side! Congratulations to Chico, ARW, Luise Kaunert and the team!

Luise Kaunert: “Today was the day! 2 Border Crossers by Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona, Naco Arizona. A big shout out to the team who ran the performance, the camera people and all other community members who came together to make this happen. El Paso / Juarez is next! This was the first of a series of performance that will take place along the frontera in collaboration with the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts. Stay tuned for upcoming performances in El Paso / Juarez in October and a solo show of drawings at the Rubin Center in El Paso. “

Comment by Fernando Peralta “Two nations divided by an ugly wall brought together by a robotic performance that displayed our inherent nature to be humanly curios about our one planet. Spectators on both sides of the wall were, for one moment, connected by love and the promise both countries have for so many of our common attributes and inheritances. Two nations divided can now see the promise and hope of humanity through a new perspective. Brilliant work by all! “

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2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border

2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border

From „Dying Dog“ to „Border Crossers“: Chico MacMurtrie and his Amorphic Robot Works made it happen: 2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona! Los Angeles; Naco | US; Wien | AT · 1986–2021 (Border Crosser screenshots: © Chico MacMurtrie /... mehr lesen

From “Dying Dog” to “Border Crossers”: Chico MacMurtrie and his Amorphic Robot Works made it happen: 2 Border Crossers performed for the first time at the US-Mexico border at Naco Arizona! Los Angeles; Naco | US; Vienna | AT · 1986–2021 (Border Crosser screenshots: ©... read more