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Zanele Muholi, Fotografin · photographer

Zanele Muholi, Fotografin · photographer

Zanele Muholi, Fotografin. Nach einer Fotografie von Zanele Muholi, Sthembile, Cape Town, 2012 aus: ZANELE MUHOLI, Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness, 2018, Aperture 

Das erste Mal sah ich Arbeiten dieser Fotografin aus Südafrika in der Ausstellung „The Cindy Sherman Effect“ im Kunstforum Wien, 2020 gesehen und war so beeindruckt, dass ich mir nach langer Zeit wieder ein großes, teures Fotobuch kaufte. Ich finde ihre Fotografien – meist Selbstportraits – unglaublich gut.

PP, Zanele Muholi, 2024, 69 x 92 cm, Ölpastellkreiden auf Hadernpapier. (© PP · # 3314 · www.ewigesarchiv.at)

Zanele Muholi, photographer. After a photograph by Zanele Muholi, Sthembile, Cape Town, 2012 from: ZANELE MUHOLI, Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness, 2018, Aperture
I first saw works by this photographer from South Africa in the exhibition “The Cindy Sherman Effect” at the Kunstforum Wien in 2020 and was so impressed that I bought a large, expensive photo book again after a long time. I think her photographs – mostly self-portraits – are incredibly good.
PP, Zanele Muholi, 2024, 69 x 92 cm, oil pastels on rag paper. (© PP – # 3314 – www.ewigesarchiv.at)


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Zanele Muholi, Fotografin · photographer

Zanele Muholi, Fotografin · photographer

Zanele Muholi, Fotografin. Nach einer Fotografie von Zanele Muholi, Sthembile, Cape Town, 2012 aus: ZANELE MUHOLI, Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness, 2018, Aperture  Das erste Mal sah ich Arbeiten dieser Fotografin aus Südafrika in der Ausstellung „The Cindy Sherman Effect“ im... mehr lesen

Zanele Muholi, photographer. After a photograph by Zanele Muholi, Sthembile, Cape Town, 2012 from: ZANELE MUHOLI, Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness, 2018, Aperture I first saw works by this photographer from South Africa in the exhibition “The Cindy Sherman Effect” at the Kunstforum... read more