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Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday!

Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday!

Yoko Ono Happy B-Day zum 90. Geburtstag! Sie erhielt 2012 den Oskar-Kokoschka-Preis der Angewandten. Amsterdam | NL; Wien | AT · 2012–2022 (© PP # 2738 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Der ewige Art-Paparazzo berichtet dienstbeflissen von der Verleihung des OK-Preises am 1. März 2012 an die Künstlerin im Gartenbau-Kino durch den Rektor der Universität für angewandte Kunst, Gerald Bast (li. ob.). Die Laudatio hielt VALIE EXPORT, gezeigt wurde auf der großen Leinwand der Film „The Fly“ von Yoko Ono, in dem eine Fliege auf ihrem nackten Körper herum wandert (3. Foto ob. Ich habe dieses Foto gewählt, weil mich interessiert, ob der FB-Zensur-Algorithmus diese Foto durchlässt). In ihrer Dankesrede nimmt Yoko Ono auf VALIE EXPORT Bezug und kündigte an, ihre Dankesworte auf deutsch zu verlesen. Wie bei Society-Reports üblich, hier eine recht unvollständige Liste der Besucher*innen: Natürlich Profi-Paparazzo Heribert Corn, dem Anlass & Ort farblich gemäß angezogen; Alexander van der Bellen, damals noch nicht Präsident, Architekt Hans Hollein mit Tochter Lilli Hollein, derzeit Direktorin des MAK; Rektor Gerald Bast, Yoko Ono, Hr. Rhomberg (untere Reihe)

2. Foto oben Yoko Ono und ihr Mann John Lennon während ihrer Aktion „Bed Peace“

COR JARING (1936-2013), aus der Serie Bed Peace, Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam, 1969

Zwischen dem 25. und 31. März 1969 hielten Yoko Ono und John Lennon ihr erstes Bed-In in der Suite 702 des Hilton Hotels in Amsterdam ab. Die Veranstaltung war Teil ihrer Flitterwochen: Sie hatten beschlossen, die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit rund um ihre Ehe zu nutzen, um den Weltfrieden zu fördern. Das Bed-/n diente als pazifistischer Protest gegen den Vietnamkrieg. Umgeben von Schildern mit der Aufschrift „Bed Peace“ und „Hair Peace“ war es eine Variation eines Sitzstreiks, bei dem Demonstranten für ihre Sache Stellung beziehen, indem sie einen bestimmten Ort besetzen. (AI-Übersetzung, Original unten)

COR JARING (1936-2013), from the Bed Peace, Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam series, 1969

Between March 25 and 31, 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon held their first Bed-In, in suite 702 of the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam. The event was part of their honeymoon: they had decided to use the publicity surrounding their marriage to promote world peace. The Bed-/n served as a pacifist protest against the Vietnam War. Surrounded by signs reading “Bed Peace” and “Hair Peace,” it was a variation on a sit-in, where demonstrators take a stand for their cause by occupying a specific location.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 2022

Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday! In 2012 she received the Oskar-Kokoschka-Prize from the University of Applied Sciences. Amsterdam | NL; Vienna | AT · 2012–2022 (© PP # 2738 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) The eternal art paparazzo diligently reports on the presentation of the OK prize on March 1, 2012 to the artist in the horticultural cinema by the rector of the University of Applied Sciences Art, Gerald Bast (top left). The laudatory speech was held by VALIE EXPORT, the film “The Fly” by Yoko Ono was shown on the big screen, in which a fly wanders around on her naked body (3rd photo above. I chose this photo because I’m interested in whether the FB censorship algorithm lets this photo pass). In her acceptance speech, Yoko Ono referred to VALIE EXPORT and announced that she would read out her words of thanks in German. As usual with society reports, here is a fairly incomplete list of visitors: Of course, professional paparazzo Heribert Corn, dressed in the right color for the occasion and place; Alexander van der Bellen, not yet president at the time, architect Hans Hollein with daughter Lilli Hollein, currently director of the MAK; Rector Gerald Bast, Yoko Ono, Mr. Rhomberg (bottom row)

2nd photo above Yoko Ono and her husband John Lennon during their “Bed Peace” campaign
COR JARING (1936-2013), from the Bed Peace series, Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam, 1969
Between March 25 and March 31, 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon held their first bed-in in Suite 702 of the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam. The event was part of their honeymoon: they had decided to use the publicity surrounding their marriage to promote world peace. The bed/n served as a pacifist protest against the Vietnam War. Surrounded by signs reading “Bed Peace” and “Hair Peace,” it was a variation on a sit-in, in which protesters took a stand for their cause by occupying a specific location. (AI translation, original below)

COR JARING (1936-2013), from the Bed Peace, Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam series, 1969
Between March 25 and 31, 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon held their first bed-in, in suite 702 of the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam. The event was part of their honeymoon: they had decided to use the publicity surrounding their marriage to promote world peace. The Bed-/n served as a pacifist protest against the Vietnam War. Surrounded by signs reading “Bed Peace” and “Hair Peace,” it was a variation on a sit-in, where demonstrators take a stand for their cause by occupying a specific location.
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 2022


Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday!

Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday!

Yoko Ono Happy B-Day zum 90. Geburtstag! Sie erhielt 2012 den Oskar-Kokoschka-Preis der Angewandten. Amsterdam | NL; Wien | AT · 2012–2022 (© PP # 2738 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) Der ewige Art-Paparazzo berichtet dienstbeflissen von der Verleihung des OK-Preises am 1. März 2012 an die Künstlerin... mehr lesen

Yoko Ono Happy 90th Birthday! In 2012 she received the Oskar-Kokoschka-Prize from the University of Applied Sciences. Amsterdam | NL; Vienna | AT · 2012–2022 (© PP # 2738 · www.ewigesarchiv.at) The eternal art paparazzo diligently reports on the presentation of the OK prize on March 1, 2012 to... read more