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Waffen · Weapons

Waffen · Weapons

Ich bin (auch) ein richtiger „Waffennarr“ und in guter Gesellschaft: In Österreich wurden 2020 so viele Schusswaffen wie nie verkauft! Bad Ischl, Langwies, Wien | AT; Kentucky | US · 1971–2017 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv; Foto li. ob.: © U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center) „Die Nachfrage nach Handfeuerwaffen ist 2020 in bisher unerreichte Höhen geschossen. Insgesamt wurden 71.250 Gewehre und Faustfeuerwaffen gekauft – im Vergleich zu 2019 ein Zuwachs um fast 6.400 Stück bzw. fast zehn Prozent. . . Laut Zentralem Waffenregister waren in Österreich mit Jahresende 2020 rund 1,15 Millionen Waffen der Kategorien B, C und D in privatem Besitz. Im Vergleich zu 2019 stieg der Bestand um etwa fünf Prozent oder 53.000 Stück.“ (orf.at, 20210104, link s.u.)

Also doch gut, dass die Waffengeschäfte so wie die Lebensmittelgeschäften offen halten dürfen, damit hin und wieder ein schönes Stück Wildpret auf den Sonntagstisch kommt: „Der Lockdown wurde offenbar auch dafür genutzt, sich im Freien weidmännisch zu ertüchtigen. (sic!) Und da das österreichische Waffengesetz seit 2019 auch das Führen von Faustfeuerwaffen bei der Ausübung der Jagd ermöglicht, steigt seither auch die entsprechende Nachfrage rasant“, berichtete Branchenradar.com.

Zu den Fotos: 1. Reihe Mitte: Der künftige Ewige Archivar – links im Bild mit schneidigem Oberlippenbart + gewelltem Haupthaar – bei einer Schultheateraufführung von „Donadieu“ mit blankem Säbel; re.ob.: Teilnehmerin bei Manga/Cosplay-event („Aninite“) an der TU Wien – durch Perücke und Brille imho hinreichend camoufliert; gr. li.: der Archivar mit Grundausstattung und dem „Vergessen“-T-shirt (collectors item: mehrfacher Probe-Aufdruck! beigestellt von Herwig Turk!) gr. re.: DIY Waffe meines Sohnes; unt. Mitte: selbstgemachte DIY-Machine-Gun in einer Werkstatt (nicht von mir) aus Karton, Klebstreifen etc.; re. unt.: „Fotosnajper“ Kamera in Militäroptik, russisches Modell, gesehen in der Galerie Westlicht und links oben: „5.56 MM BALL, M855A1 ENHANCED PERFORMANCE ROUND. Capt. James Nardelli, part of a deploying Security Force Assistance Team with the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), fires at a target during a stress shoot training exercise at Fort Campbell's Range 40a, Feb. 16. The stress shoot training exercise conditions soldiers to effectively hit their targets in highly intense situations. (Kapitän James Nardelli, Teil eines Einsatzteams zur Unterstützung der Sicherheitskräfte beim 2. Bataillon, 502. Infanterieregiment, 2. Brigade Combat Team, 101. Luftlandedivision (Luftangriff), schießt auf ein Ziel während einer Übung zum Stressschießen in Fort Campbells Range 40a , 16. Februar. Das Training zum Stressschießen trainiert Soldaten, um ihre Ziele in sehr intensiven Situationen effektiv zu treffen.) © U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center 

„The U.S. Army is the best-equipped force the world has known. Even in an increasingly constrained fiscal environment, the acquisition, logistics and technology community is doing everything it can to provide our Soldiers with the equipment and services they need for mission success.“

I am (also) a real “gun fanatic” and in good company: In Austria in 2020 more firearms were sold than ever! Bad Ischl, Langwies, Vienna | AT; Kentucky | US · 1971–2017 (© PP · Eternal Archives; top photo: © US Army Acquisition Support Center) “In 2020, the demand for small arms has shot to unprecedented heights. A total of 71,250 rifles and handguns were purchased – compared to 2019, an increase of almost 6,400 or almost ten percent. . . According to the Central Arms Register, around 1.15 million weapons in categories B, C and D were in private ownership in Austria at the end of 2020. Compared to 2019, the inventory increased by about five percent or 53,000 pieces. “(Orf.at, 20210104, link see below) So it’s good that the gun shops as well as the grocery stores are allowed to keep open, so that every now and then a nice piece of game is on the Sunday table: “The lockdown was apparently also used to practice hobby outdoors. (sic!) And since the Austrian Weapons Act has also made it possible to carry handguns when hunting since 2019, the corresponding demand has been increasing rapidly since then, “reported Industry Radar.com. About the photos: 1st row in the middle: The future Eternal Archivist – on the left in the picture with dashing mustache + wavy head hair – at a school theater performance of “Donadieu” with a bare saber; right above: participant in the Manga / Cosplay event (“Aninite”) at the Vienna University of Technology – sufficiently camouflaged with imho wig and glasses; gr. left: the archivist with basic equipment and the “forgetting” t-shirt (collectors item: multiple test prints! provided by Herwig Turk!) gr. right: my son’s DIY weapon; bottom middle: self-made DIY machine gun in a workshop (not by me) made of cardboard, adhesive tape etc .; re. bottom: “Fotosnajper” camera in military optics, Russian model, seen in the Westlicht gallery and top left: “5.56 MM BALL, M855A1 ENHANCED PERFORMANCE ROUND. Capt. James Nardelli, part of a deploying Security Force Assistance Team with the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), fires at a target during a stress shoot training exercise at Fort Campbell’s Range 40a, Feb 16. The stress shoot training exercise conditions soldiers to effectively hit their targets in highly intense situations. (Capt.James Nardelli, part of a security support team with 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Strike), fires at a target during a stress shooting exercise at Fort Campbells Range 40a, Jan. February. The stress shooting training trains soldiers to hit their targets effectively in very intense situations.) © US Army Acquisition Support Center

„The U.S. Army is the best-equipped force the world has known. Even in an increasingly constrained fiscal environment, the acquisition, logistics and technology community is doing everything it can to provide our Soldiers with the equipment and services they need for mission success.“


Waffen · Weapons

Waffen · Weapons

Ich bin (auch) ein richtiger „Waffennarr“ und in guter Gesellschaft: In Österreich wurden 2020 so viele Schusswaffen wie nie verkauft! Bad Ischl, Langwies, Wien | AT; Kentucky | US · 1971–2017 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv; Foto li. ob.: © U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center) „Die Nachfrage... mehr lesen

I am (also) a real “gun fanatic” and in good company: In Austria in 2020 more firearms were sold than ever! Bad Ischl, Langwies, Vienna | AT; Kentucky | US · 1971–2017 (© PP · Eternal Archives; top photo: © US Army Acquisition Support Center) “In 2020, the demand for small arms has shot... read more