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Hände · hands

Hände · hands

I wanna hold your handy! Unite we standy! Splendid Isolation_07 Ebensee, Langwies, Wien | AT · 1999–2017 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv) Mein Übungsleiter war im Unterschied zu mir völlig ungerührt von der Verlängerung des Konklaves bis zum Ostermontag, 13. April 2020 – meine Mutter meinte auch immer, die „13“ sei meine Glückszahl. Die knapp gestellte Homeoffice-Aufgabe: ich solle mir gefälligst irgendwas zum Thema „Solidarität, Support, gegenseitiger Unterstützung etc.“ einfallen lassen – weil das sei das Einzige, was jetzt sinnvoll sei. Nicht allzuviel in meinen Gedanken picken bleiben. Auf gehts: United We Stand! Yesso. 

Hand-Model unten mittig: Dark Knight Kestutis Lapsys

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance

Summary of the article: Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn’t be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don’t take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.


Das Coronavirus-Update mit Christian Drosten Leieter der Virologie der Charité Berlin. 20.03.2020 

(den find ich interessant, weil er sehr nüchtern, immer wieder eigene Positionen hinterfragend ist)

(18) Die Wirksamkeit von Ausgangssperren ist unklar

Es gibt keine Forschungsdaten zu weitreichenden Ausgangssperren. Vorsicht ist auch angesagt im Umgang mit Zahlen. 

Und: Der Sommer kann zumindest einen kleinen Effekt auf das Virus haben.

I wanna hold your “handy” (cellphone)! Unite we standy! Splendid Isolation_07 Ebensee, Langwies, Vienna | AT · 1999–2017 (© PP · Eternal Archives) In contrast to me, my trainer was completely unaffected by the extension of the conclave until Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 – my mother always thought that the “13” was my lucky number. The brief home office task: I should come up with something on the subject of “solidarity, support, mutual support etc.” – because that is the only thing that makes sense now. Don’t peck too much on my mind. Let’s go: United We Stand! Yesso.

Hand model bottom center: Dark Knight Kestutis Lapsys

Corona Virus: The Hammer and the Dance

Summary of the article: Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn’t be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don’t take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.

The Corona Virus Update with Christian Drosten Leieter of Virology at Charité Berlin. March 20, 2020

(I find it interesting because it is very sober, always questioning its own positions)

(18) The effectiveness of curfews is unclear

There is no research data on far-reaching curfews. Caution is also essential when dealing with numbers.

And: summer can at least have a small effect on the virus.

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Hände · hands

Hände · hands

I wanna hold your handy! Unite we standy! Splendid Isolation_07 Ebensee, Langwies, Wien | AT · 1999–2017 (© PP · Ewiges Archiv) Mein Übungsleiter war im Unterschied zu mir völlig ungerührt von der Verlängerung des Konklaves bis zum Ostermontag, 13. April 2020 – meine Mutter meinte auch... mehr lesen

I wanna hold your “handy” (cellphone)! Unite we standy! Splendid Isolation_07 Ebensee, Langwies, Vienna | AT · 1999–2017 (© PP · Eternal Archives) In contrast to me, my trainer was completely unaffected by the extension of the conclave until Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 – my mother... read more